This week we looked at social media and how it has been implemented into the world of business. In the lecture we were shown a graph which clearly displayed the way in which technology is adopted by the business world. This graph is shown bellow:
This graph is similar to the product life cycle it has an introductory phase a growth stage and a maturity stage. The main difference with this is the elevated position of the second graph which is Web 2.0. As people became familiar with Web1.0 the implementation of Web 2.0 began at a higher rate of productivity. As we move forward towards Web 3.0 it is expected that there will be a higher level of productivity at the introductory phase due to the increased level integration companies have with the internet and internet based technology.
The lecture was very effective in discussing this topic and we looked at a range of academic sources which back up this idea, including relating the topic back to the 4C's we have looked at throughout the module.
This topic was very useful for the e-activity as it gave an academic insight into what the future of social media implementation might involve, this was helpful in writing the recommendations section of the report.
sorry I have messed up my blogs, I just realised that if you edit them they all show the date you last edited them meaning all my blogs are showing the wrong dates.