Thursday, 8 March 2012

The One Tangled in the Web 2.0

This week in the class we looked at Web 2.0 what it is and how its grown.The move from a passive read only to an active, interactive and collaborative web. In researching this I found a very interesting article which can be found here.

In order for web 2.0 to become a truly collaborative software needed to be developed to allow the everyday user to create and publish online without using computer programming such as HTML or HTTP etc. A good example of this type of software is social networks which allow you to develop your own page. Even this blog would have been impossible for me to write 10-15 years ago.

Another interesting area which we looked at in the lecture was application programming interface (API). From what I gathered in the lecture this is a way to interconnect all of the applications we have, therefore bringing together our total online presence. There are examples of this all around and it is expected that we will begin to see more interconnectivity especially between socail networking sites.

The idea of cloud computing also came up in the lecture, I was mainly aware of cloud computing through Apples promotion of their iOS5 software and the iCloud. This effectively allows you to store all of your data on your iPhone, iPad or iPod online. This is very useful in the event that the hardware is lost or broken, the content is no longer lost. It also has an impact for business in that it is now possible for people to save their data on a virtual server meaning they can then access the data from any computer anywhere in the world. The video bellow looks at the idea of cloud computing, enjoy.

Next time we will look at Web 2.0 and the effect it had had on Marketing. Don't forget to click in!

1 comment:

  1. An interesting blog which demonstrates engagement with the module content. However your blog posts are a bit behind. It is now week 10 and you have still to reflect on marketing and measurement.
